Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Want to win $1,000?

Hello! J

The American Marketing Association of GVSU is selling raffle tickets to help Professor Maria Landon and her husband’s church fund a new youth center! 1st prize is $1,000 cash, 2nd prize is a $200 gift certificate, and there are many more prizes (listed on the ticket). You don’t have to be present to win! Not only does this count as a community service for our club, but also a fundraiser: our club receives $1 for every ticket we sell, which would be very helpful in getting us to the national conference in New Orleans next year.

Tickets are:
$5 each, or
$10 for 3, or
$30 for 10

The drawing will be on Saturday, August 24th, at 9:00 PM at the Yassou (Greek Cultural) Festival. Like I said, you don’t have to be present to win (although I’m sure the festival will be awesome fun)- if your ticket is drawn you will be contacted by James Landon or another representative of the Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church organizing the event.

To buy a ticket or tickets, shoot me an e-mail at valicer@mail.gvsu.edu or call/text at (586) 453-5166.

Thank you and good luck! J

Rachel Valice, VP of Communications

P.S.: James wants me to encourage everyone to attend the festival, regardless of if you bought raffle tickets or not. He assures me there will be tons of great cultural dancing, music, and Greek food and desserts!